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healthy mom with weights


Weight Room Tour

Do you freeze up the second you step into the weight room, afraid of looking lost?  Wish you could use the weight equipment without second-guessing every move?

You don't know what the equipment is called, you don't know how to set it up, and above all, you don't want to make a mistake and get embarrassed!

You aren't alone, I've been there too!

That's why I created my No-Fear Weight Room Tour.

In this quick 5 minute video, I'll walk you through the equipment names and set up for the main weight room equipment, so you can walk into that weight room with confidence!

Ready to walk into the gym with confidence?

Enter your info below and get instant access to the No-Fear Weight Room Tour!

 No-Fear Weight Room Tour
Plus! A weekly newsletter with tips on strength training, weight loss, and meal planning for fat loss. 

Yay! Check your inbox!

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